Saturday, February 14, 2009

Health and Safety guidelines for schools.

This is a awesome source of information given in this website. It gives a lot of different information regarding how to serve students with special needs. This website gives us different boxes to click on, which will then lead you to a source of good information.

1 comment:

  1. I read through your Health and Safety Guidelines for Schools and found the website to be very informative. Of course, I'm always drawn to articles that have to do with helping to build social skills in students. It seems to be a growing problem not just in the sped. population, but across all settings to some degree.
    Your website gave same great exercises for influencing behavior to model and practice social skills in a variety of contexts. The article goes on to explain how building social skills can lead to reduction in violence, resistance to drug abuse, unsafe sexual activity and other risky behaviors that our students invariably find themselves faced with.
    I'll continue to browse this resource for additional information. Thanks!
